CISH- Decomposer

A Natural Solution for Waste Decomposition and Environmental Preservation

Ranaji Biotech India Pvt Ltd has developed a waste decomposer culture which is a consortium of potent bacterial cultures and acts as a compost booster. Our CISH – Decomposer is used for quick composting from organic waste, soil health improvement, and as a plant protection agent. At Ranaji Biotech India Pvt Ltd, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for waste management and environmental preservation. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, our team of experts is committed to revolutionizing waste decomposition through the use of natural decomposers such as CISH – Decomposer.

Our Mission                 

A Ranaji Biotech India Pvt Ltd, our mission is to create a cleaner and greener world by offering eco-friendly waste decomposition solutions. We aim to reduce the burden on landfills, promote circular economy principles, and contribute to a healthier environment for future generations with our innovative decomposer approved by CISH – Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow.

CISH Decomposer is a proprietary blend of naturally occurring microorganisms and enzymes carefully selected for their exceptional waste decomposition capabilities. These tiny superheroes work tirelessly to break down organic matter into harmless byproducts, leaving behind nutrient-rich compost and contributing to the restoration of ecological balance.

How CISH Decomposer Works

The Ranaji Biotech India Pvt Ltd CISH – decomposer solution targets a wide range of organic waste, including kitchen scraps, agricultural residues, garden waste, and more. When applied to the waste material, the decomposers quickly get to work, breaking down complex molecules into simpler compounds through a natural biochemical process. This process not only reduces the volume of waste but also minimizes foul Odors and harmful emissions.

Key Features of CISH Decomposer             

  • Eco-Friendly: Our decomposer is 100% natural and non-toxic, making it safe for the environment, plants, animals, and humans.
  • Effective Waste Reduction: By accelerating the decomposition process, our solution significantly reduces the amount of organic waste destined for landfills.
  • Nutrient-Rich Compost: The decomposition process yields nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enrich soil and support healthy plant growth.
  • Odor Control: CISH Decomposer effectively controls foul odours associated with organic waste, creating a more pleasant environment.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for both small-scale household waste management and large-scale agricultural and industrial waste treatment.

CISH- Decomposer

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